Posted on 05/04/2005 5:59:04 AM PDT by OESY
I'll get to First Lady Laura Bush's bawdy stand-up routine in a minute. But I want to highlight a related new book out about how young conservatives are shaking up the dominant liberal media culture. It's called "South Park Conservatives." My name is listed on the cover along with many other (mostly) right-leaning pundits, websites, and bloggers, but I must confess to having mixed feelings about the honor.
The best-selling book's author, Brian C. Anderson of the Manhattan Institute, writes a fun, breezy survey documenting the rise of talk radio, FOX News, the Internet, conservative publishing, and college Republican activism. Anderson's chapter on the success of conservative talk radio and the abysmal failure of liberal Air America to replicate it is incisive. Another chapter on the blogosphere (alone worth the price of the book) gives readers a useful history of the explosion of news, opinion, and political websites that have smashed the left-wing media monopoly.
But how did such a wide-ranging list of individuals and organizations -- Anderson's book cover includes the names of conservative-leaning Internet pioneer Matt Drudge and center-left journalist Mickey Kaus, the libertarian Tech Central Station, the culturally conservative WorldNetDaily, political upstart Arnold Schwarzenegger and political chameleon Andrew Sullivan, plus Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham, and myself, along with a feature blurb from Jonah Goldberg -- all get lumped under the umbrella term "South Park Conservatives"?
Anderson argues that Comedy Central's cartoon series "South Park" embodies the "fiercely anti-liberal comedic spirit" of the "new media" from Kaus to Coulter. The cartoon, he writes, reflects a "post-liberal counterculture" that is "particularly appealing to the young, however much it might offend older conservatives."
Well, I'm 34 and no fan of "South Park." I have many good friends who are indeed huge boosters of the show, but I find that the characters' foul language overwhelms any entertainment I might otherwise derive from the show's occasional, right-leaning iconoclastic themes.
"South Park" may be "politically incorrect." But "politically incorrect" is not always a synonym for "conservative."
My discomfort with "South Park's" increasingly mainstream vulgarity is not a matter of nitpicking. We're not just talking about a stray curse word here or there. As liberal New York Times columnist Frank Rich points out, "South Park" "holds the record for the largest number of bleeped-out repetitions (162) of a single four-letter expletive in a single television half-hour." That's probably about the same number of profanities uttered at John Kerry's infamous New York City celebrity fundraiser last summer, which Republicans rightly condemned for its excessive obscenities.
Rich is wrong about most things, but he's painfully on target in noting the incongruous pandering now taking place by some in the cool-kids clique on the Right. Conservatives criticize Hollywood relentlessly, but as Rich notes, "the embarrassing reality is that they want to be hip, too."
Which brings me to Mrs. Bush. She demonstrated at the celebrity-studded White House Correspondents' Dinner this weekend that you can entertain without being profane. Most of her humor was just right: Edgy but not over the edge. But her off-color stripper and horse jokes crossed the line. Can you blame Howard Stern for feeling peeved and perplexed? And let's face it: If Teresa ("I'm cheeky!") Heinz Kerry had delivered Mrs. Bush's First Lady Gone Mildly Wild routine, social conservative pundits would be up in arms over her bad taste and lack of dignity.
The First Lady resorting to horse masturbation jokes is not much better than Whoopi Goldberg trafficking in dumb puns on the Bush family name. It was wholly unnecessary.
Self-censorship is a conservative value. In a brilliant commencement speech at Hillsdale College last year, Heritage Foundation president Ed Feulner called on his audience to resist the coarsened rhetoric of our time: "If we are to prevail as a free, self-governing people, we must first govern our tongues and our pens. Restoring civility to public discourse is not an option. It is a necessity."
Lighten up, you say? No thanks. I'd rather be a G-rated conservative who can only make my kids giggle than a "South Park"/"Desperate Housewives" conservative whose goal is getting Richard Gere and Jane Fonda to snicker. Giving the Hollyweird Left the last laugh is not my idea of success.
We're you the pinhead that e-mailed Rush that said that Laura's joke will drive Muslims to bomb America more frequently?
"vulgar trash"
"beauty is in the eye of the beholder"
"Ah. Another revelation to us unanointed! Why thank you for that original insight.
"Er...waitaminute. How is that an insight? Care to explain?>"
"Otherwise I can only interpret that as your patting yourself on the back for finding "beauty" in coarse jokes."
The answer is that the First Lady's performance was not vulgar trash, but tasteful, humorous, and yes, mildly off color entertainment, that endeared her to many, myself included. I'm offended by her performance being referred to as vulgar trash, nor do I think that the material she used merits the description, except that it was actually kind of unexceptional in and of itself.
You stated to another poster that if she didn't understand, you couldn't explain it. My reply "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" meant that she understood very well, but didn't agree.
Don't be so sarcastic.
You know, that's a very good point about who is making a horse joke sexual and why most people don't even think along those lines. Thanks for chiming in...we need sensible comments like yours!
You:That was the line the brainless NOW-gang used against Clarence Thomas. Are you sure you want to associate yourself with it?
My response: What a huge jump? Clarence Thomas? Are you really that desperate? I do want to associate myself with this statement in regards to needlebutt whackjobs.
Me: There is no reasoned argument which would work for you.
You: Try one. I haven't seen you try any reasoned arguments. On anyone. Yet.
My response: You're losing it. That her humor was not 'blue' is a reasoned argument. Your gutter approach to life has interpreted it thusly.
Me: Precisely what you don't get is not that you believe yourself a good Christian but that you are perceived thusly.
You: Hmmmm. I don't understand that line. I guess I'm stupid as well as anti-Christian. Could you re-phrase that?
My response: You're right, bummer. Allow me to break it into two correct sentences. That you consider yourself a good Christian is given. You are perceived as very un-Christian in your attitude.
Me: Instead of putting your lips in action, or letting you anonymous fingers fly on the keyboard, I suggest you put your hands together and pray.
You: Thank you, Reverend Grunt, for that sagely anonymous advice.
(Although I do find it odd for a Reverend to use the kind of words you've used here, like 'needlebutt' three times within three sentences. And a few other choice terms more scatological.)
My (uncalled for) response: Needlebutt = needle stuck in your butt and impossible to pull out because of the tight asscheeks. Yep!
You:It happens I have to leave the keyboard for now. But I'd like to put these questions to all at FreeRepublic:
Is it ever acceptable for a First Lady (any First Lady) to tell blue jokes in public?
My response: No. But, these were blue only if your mind is in the gutter.
You: Would we ever have dreamed we'd be asking this question, just a few years ago? Especially about Laura Bush?
My responseLiberals, disruptors and needlebutts take advantage of every opportunity of disrupt and divide. You are carrying their water.
I really like to see thoughtful answers (not spiteful taunts) to those question.
Why? More fodder for you to reject.
You: Back later.
My response: To this thread? Unfortunate.
I see now they are bringing Rush into this....why, just the other day they were trashing Rush for always bringing up know, Rush thought it was wrong to starve someone to death for WEEKS, so as you can really means nothing.
Plus, I wouldn't take my morals from Rush Limbaugh. My politics, yes, my moral guidance, no.
Bless your heart. Have a great day.
Disclaimer: to anyone reading this. This is only my opinion. If you disagree, fine, but please do so with a civil tongue. No need to trash and bash.
Rush Limbaugh. What an icon! Mr. Feelgood.
I hear ya'.
Lately any slight disagreement immediately turns into a full scale flame war.
People really need to chill out.
LOL! I do love Rush and listen to him every chance I get but I would never take moral guidance from him. However, he openly states that that is not his job, nor does he try to make it his job. I have heard him say that he is no moral role model nor does he try to be one.
I still find him entertaining and love his politics.
Have a great day.
Disclaimer: to anyone reading this. This is just my opinion. If you disagree, fine, but please do so with a civil tongue. No need to trash and bash.
I'm a South Park Republican and I found nothing wrong with Laura Bush's jokes. I guess I'm evil then..
I would never say you are evil. I also had no problems with Laura's jokes, I just understand where those who did are coming from.
Now if we are talking about South Park...that is a different story...:) just kidding.
Disclaimer: to anyone reading, this is only my opinion, if you disagree, fine, please do so with a civil tongue. No need to trash and bash.
In all serousness, I would suggest to not sweat the small stuff. The show isnt for everyone.
mhking said:
Too many good people have been chased away by this kind of Spanish Inquisition-driven crusade. It truly needs to stop.
I couldnt agree more.
Well, well, of COURSE there is. I was just called a prune in a private reply. Oh well, if we were all perfect, we wouldn't need a savior! I like funny jokes. It's good to be able to laugh in all the stuff that's going on around us. Mxxx
However much we love Rush (and I do), you're right. Rush occasionally uses slightly blue material on his show --and catches heck for it. So I can understand why Rush might reflexively promote the "folks, it was funny, there was nothing wrong with it" line.
There's a big difference between Rush's doing it, and the First Lady's doing it, however: Rush is not First Lady.
Btw, I thought I detected ambivalence in Rush's voice in discussing this topic. Clearly he's not happy talking about it. He came to the story late, and is limiting calls.
Rush's philosophy about "being offended" is illogical too. He instructed people who feel "offended" by something to simply shut up and look away from the offensive thing.
By that logic, I guess all of us here at FreeRepublic should've shut up about Bill Clinton's escapades in the Oval Office.
And it's also wrong for Rush to characterize everyone who criticized the First Lady's blue streak as fragile souls who are easily "offended."
Some of us are not so much "offended" as dismayed and disappointed that a First Lady --especially a First Lady we loved such as Laura Bush-- would show such a lack of discretion and judgment.
I felt the same way when President Bush, a couple of years ago, did that silly skit for a MSM audience where he asked, "Where are the WMDs? Over here? Over there? I can't find them!" while pretending to look under tables for the missing WMDs.
Sure, the audience laughed. I guess you could say it was "funny." But it showed astonishing lack of judgment. WHAT WAS HE THINKING?
What is your standard, then, for vulgar trash?
My standard for vulgar trash is something I'd be embarrassed to have my kids see or hear.
A test (again): What would my kids been asking me if they were still little, and we had happened to sit down in front of the television for a family evening of fun, watching the First Lady's speech ?...
- Mommy, what does she mean, "Dollar Bill Lynn" ?
- What's a chippendale, mom?
- Mom, what's "Desperate Housewives" about? Can I watch it? Pleeeeeeeease?
- Mom, how do you milk a male horse?
As for the other poster for whom you presume to speak, she spoke for herself. And she did not say what you said.
Well, I have to admit, that I was embarassed when I took my daughter and her friend to see "Something About Mary." I still avoid Ben Stiller. OTOH, they were 18, so it's not like they were learning anything. In fact, I'm still embarassed for Stiller for having been in that.
As for my standards, they *may* in this instance actually be determined similarly to the way yours are. My kids are grown now, but when they very were young, I'd not have had a problem with them watching the First Lady's routine the other night. Partly because I don't think it offensive. But if I'd been asked by them to explain questions like those suggested in your post, my answer would merely have been something along the lines of "I'll explain this to you when you're a little older." They'd have forgotten all about it by bedtime, more likely in a few minutes. Or "You don't milk a male horse, that's why it's funny." Though I imagine they'd have already come to the same conclusion.
I was getting fed up with nasty hit-and-run taunts and slurs directed toward posters who were trying to make thoughtful arguments, and I wrongly let my exasperation spill over onto you.
I am definitely ready to not be ticked off at this anymore, whatever our difference in viewpoint :-)
Me, too.
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