The Kosovo Liberation Army: Does Clinton Policy Support Group with Terror, Drug Ties?
Sounds like "anti-american" propaganda to me, right...???
Your articles are notable for how little they actually mention al Qaeda and, in fact, support the opposite, e.g.:
No observer doubts that the large majority of fighters that have flocked to the KLA during the past year or so (since it began large-scale military operations) are ordinary Kosovo Albanians who desire what they see as the liberation of their homeland from foreign rule.
Further undermining your own argument, your 6+ years old links predict all sorts of dire consequences for American troops in the Balkans--conseqences which have not come to pass as evidenced by not a single American casualty to hostile action in either Kosovo or Bosnia over the past 9 years.
dj, in your zeal to justify Serb atrocities in the Balkans, you are supporting a classic example of the blame America for 9-11 B.S. that proliferates on anti-American and leftist venues.