This case stinks both ways. But no one is looking beyond the birth of the baby. Ideally, she never would have gotten pregnant. My choice would be for her to adopt out the baby.
Unfortunately there is great bias against adoption in this country. Many, many folks believe giving up a child is wrong (even if they support abortion) and many many people believe that a child is better off with a "natural" mother no matter the circumstances.
Just look at how many people search for birth mothers. Until we change that attitude as well, we will not win the battle for life. Just ensuring that children are born is not enough.
The adoption laws in this country are infreakingsane, please pardon. A judge here in Michigan just gagged all petitioners in an adoption dispute...the adoption had been finalized and 18 months later an Oakland County judge vacated the adoption. There are no codified adoption laws from state to state; in some states, like mine, there are no codified laws from county to county.
HOW can this do anything but wreak havoc in a child's already precarious life? Insane.