Do I take it correctly that you think the only recourse is little bitty acts of resistance here and there? The government(s) is/are too far gone for political change, and revolution is too bloody, so "it is our right, it is our duty" to break our oaths and the law, both for citizens and for LEO's?
THAT is one tough call! It seems you are talking about revolution by attrition or merely a kind of crypto rebellious state, but in either ase we are beyond civil dialogue and you are pretty much stuck with viewing me as a soldier for the bad guys.
It's interesting. I became an LEO pretty much to get as close as I could to defending my community against terrorism. All the other stuff is the tarrif I pay on getting asmuch training and info as I can on that matter.
Basically yes. You may live in a small town with a government that is close to the people, and a truly professional, non-union PD with excellent leadership, but most people don't.
"A kind of crypto rebellious state" was pretty much the state of the Soviet Empire until its fall. Everyone except for a small number of true believers resisted by monkeywrenching a hopelessly corrupt system, or, at least, not giving a damn. That isn't exactly how I see things happening here, but analogous.
Basically what I am saying is that both ends of the spectrum are wrong: The pollyannas want us to shut up and vote for politicians that are bought by interests not our own. The yahoos want to go straight for the ammo box.
The middle ground is, unfortunately, messy. But destroying the morale of corrupt officials is a lot less messy than a shooting war, and a lot more likely to work.