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To: raybbr; All

and the failure for every past administration for the past 40 years!!!!

35 posted on 04/24/2005 8:43:31 AM PDT by KevinDavis (Let the meek inherit the Earth, the rest of us will explore the stars!)
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To: KevinDavis

Man, I'm so glad you said this! Someone was telling me that even Ronald Reagan, (as much as I and many lovingly remember him)also gave amnesty to illegals!

Some people act as if GWB just suddenly flung the door open, and waved them all in, as some say, 'unimpeded'. And that he doesn't care at all about the issue, and hasn't lifted a finger to help stop it! That statement there, is insulting to the intelligence of many of us, as well as to those who claim that! I know of some things that are done, even by the President, and many in Congress!

However it can be argued, honestly, that more can be done. However, there are a lot in Congress that would fight him tooth and nail over those measures, and never let him do more. Well I hope ol' Hillary will actually do it, but I doubt it. But some will be fool enough to believe it, and drool all over her! This issue is too emotionally charged for many to discuss rationally.

Maybe if the President sees more people interested in further measures on the border(both of them)and if they are serious, he'll be able to get more done! He has done some things, and proposed a few things. But it may not be what many people want.

Still, people aren't being honest if they carry on that he and others aren't doing anything at all, and they are ignoring border problems. I've read in many articles, even many on this board that suggest that there have been attempts made to control the borders. At least in many places, if not all.

My problem with Hillary's proposal about this is all the big talk about new goverment positions. I thought many people (on here and elsewhere)didn't want a lot of new big-goverment solutions and positions? Also, about the funding.

Didn't her husband say some years ago, that we needed a whole bunch more police on the streets? Did it actually happen, and was there additional funding? I don't think so. Many police departments claimed there wasn't enough funding given! That's what is likely to happen with this too.

54 posted on 04/24/2005 12:02:55 PM PDT by dsutah
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