The present social welfare state embodies the biggest lie of all. That is the institution can adjust to each individual. When our public education system works, it was understood that the individual will submit to authority and adjust to the institution. But what was not so special about special education is that it promoted the idea that each child could have an individualized education plan. The social welfare state is about the political accommodation of the growing masses who refuse to take responsibility for submitting to authority and adjusting to our institutional systems. In the nanny state there is no one to kick a**, just of bunch of liberal caretakers looking for new ways to kiss a**.
I am not sure what people expect the police to do in this situation, in a real country effective systems would be in place where 5 year olds could be controlled without wasting the police's time. As Hillary said it takes a village to raise a village idiot. And when institutions have no teeth, everyone looks like a village idiot when confronted by a five year old who needs her a** kicked.