Here is another American-the former ambassador to Canada-1989-1992-Edward Ney with involvment...While the mainstream business press was filled through the spring and summer of 1994 with high drama and speculation about the impending fate of Confederation Life, especially a possible rescue of Confed led by (TC member) Paul Desmarais's' Great West Life, no one bothered to inform the public that, since 1993, one of the directors of Desmarais's Power Financial Corps (which owns Great-West Life) is Edward Ney -- B-M's international advisor. ......
Throughout Ney's tenure as U.S. Ambassador to Canada (1989-1992), the press neglected to identify Ney's connection to Burson-Marsteller, or, for that matter, the B-M connection between Ney and Allan E. Gotlieb. Such silence was, of course, useful for the passage of NAFTA. Since 1993, a similar press silence has surrounded Ney's involvement in Power Financial Corp..........