In that spirit I offer this counter challenge: Give me evidence of biological macro-evolution. This cannot be unobserved assumptions based on micro-evolutionary observation. For those who went to public schools, this means show me transitional fossils, explain cross-stata fossils, & fill in the holes in the supposed fossil "record".
You believe in macro-evolution, I don't. You believe that the biology class is not the place to teach dissenting ideas, I do. You believe the mainstream is right this time, I don't.
You don't have to agree with me and neither do I you. That said, we are doing our children a disservice by feeding them one theory and not even addressing another.
My challenge, my rules. If you don't like it, then don't accept the challege. You remind me of the Freepers and others who waste a lot of energy complianing about the morality of a particular TV show or radio program rather simply changing the channel.