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Inside the Mind of a Creationist (Hope is Alive in California!)
Metro: Silicon Valley Weekly Newspaper ^ | April 21, 2005 | Najeeb Hasan

Posted on 04/21/2005 4:34:42 AM PDT by gobucks

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To: narby
"It has abolutely zero to do with politics, except that some people on the right are attempting to make it so."

Wrong. It is a political decision what gets taught to kids. I distinctly remmeber what was off limits when I was a kid. Now, I hear absolutely incredible things coming from the hallways of 'schools' today. Reeducation camps more like it.

Those on the left led the way with the 'politics' of this, and you are being deceptive to not acknowledge this; they are shoving homosexual agenda crap, pro-licentious crap, woment-sex-objects, crap into the minds of kids younger and younger, year after year. This is a FACT.

" I firmly believe the politization of evolution will blow up in the face of conservatives, and Christians. "

I'm going to take this at face value. If you believe this, as a good conservative, other thoughtful conservatives must agree with you, yes? I would like to see one single article from one single political journal that elucidates this claim. Please provide the link. thanks...

301 posted on 04/23/2005 10:45:25 AM PDT by gobucks (
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To: MineralMan
The verse you mention does not refer to pi (3.14), but only to the circumference of a bronze laver, which may not have been an exact circle.
302 posted on 04/23/2005 10:48:07 AM PDT by attiladhun2
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To: narby
The only issue I have with you, mr narby, is the unique creation of humans. The rest of evolution is a matter of opinion. You have yours based on your worldview, and I have mine based on my belief that the Bible is God's inerrant word.

But if you, because of what you have been taught in science class, don't believe that God created man in His own image, unique and apart, the first of which chose to sin, and all of humanity thereafter made the same choice. If you don't believe that, then there was no reason for Christ to come and die for our sins and be raised from the dead, then you must also reject the words of the Apostle Paul about Jesus himself. And if you do that, you don't believe in the whole of Scripture.

Now we have come full circle, and you can start your accusations of me all over again, if you wish, but I am through.

303 posted on 04/23/2005 10:52:07 AM PDT by ohioWfan ("If My people, which are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray.....")
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To: ohioWfan
I know what you believe about conservatives who believe in creation. You think we should shut up

About evolution, Yes.

I believe in creation too. God created evolution. What's your point?

Do you also believe that about those of us who are pro-life? We cause all kinds of trouble by speaking up about abortion? Should we shut up about that too?

No. Which is exactly why I'm passionate about this subject. Abortion kills children. Teaching about God's elegant creation of evolution does not.

You are wasting your time fighting evolution. You are not wasting your time fighting abortion. I'm merely trying to get you people to get your priorities straight.

Exactly how embarrassing are we religious freaks to you, as a so-called conservative Christian?

The only embarrassing part is when Christians read a couple hundred words in Genesis and jump to conclusions about the history of God's creation that are completely unwarranted.

By definition, God's creation, and His word do not contradict one another. When you want to understand His creation, study it, using the tools of science. That inevitably leads you to understand about evolution, WHICH IN NO WAY TRANSLATES THAT GOD HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT!

When you want to understand about your soul and salvation, then you study God's word, because that information is not in His creation.

Got it?

304 posted on 04/23/2005 10:52:19 AM PDT by narby
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To: ohioWfan
If you want people to think you know what you're talking about, it's best to spell your words correctly

Evolution is incorrect because Darwin was racist.

I'm incorrect because I'm typing too fast to use spell checker.

I understand.

You make up your mind by using information completly irrelevant to the conversation.

Just for your enjoyment, I'll continue to spell boogyman in my own unique way.

305 posted on 04/23/2005 10:54:42 AM PDT by narby
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To: gobucks
Those on the left led the way with the 'politics' of this, and you are being deceptive to not acknowledge this; they are shoving homosexual agenda crap, pro-licentious crap, woment-sex-objects, crap into the minds of kids younger and younger, year after year. This is a FACT.

I don't remember anyone on the left packing school boards to get schools to teach proper science.

We're not talking about homosexual agenda crap here. We're talking about science.

Stay on the subject.

306 posted on 04/23/2005 10:57:12 AM PDT by narby
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To: narby
So, I see it clearly now........

You only want conservatives to speak up about things you AGREE with. We need to shut up about things you don't agree with.

That's cool. Now we all know a lot more about you and your scientific open mind.....

Once again, you have amused me, narby. I like to see how evolutionary zealots think, and you have helped enlighten me.


307 posted on 04/23/2005 10:58:21 AM PDT by ohioWfan ("If My people, which are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray.....")
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To: narby
I never said evolution is incorrect because Darwin was racist.

Those were two separate statements.

Evolution is incorrect.

Darwin was racist.

No "because" in there, narb, and that makes a big difference (if you are capable of going beyond elementary school thought progression).

Words mean things. Try to keep up.

You still don't know what you're talking about.

308 posted on 04/23/2005 11:01:49 AM PDT by ohioWfan ("If My people, which are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray.....")
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To: ohioWfan
But if you, because of what you have been taught in science class, don't believe that God created man in His own image, unique and apart

I guess you didn't read my earlier reponse that I specifically learned what I believe about the Bible and evolution at a church retreat. But no matter.

God created man in His image. Wonderful. But that's not the point.

The point is HOW did God create man. The evidence from studying God's creation is that God did this via evolution. What's the problem here?

Science does not claim that God did not create the universe, including the special creation of man. But you ARE attempting to say that you understand HOW God created man and the universe, and that science is completly wrong.

I'm sorry, but we disagree.

I am through.

Well, so long.

Religious denominations have agreed for centuries to respect the belief of others. This is not a conflict between science and religion. It is a conflict over how some people interpret the Bible. I believe that they, and you, are wrong.

I will not enter your church and attempt to force you to teach my understanding of the Bible.

All I would hope is that people who have religious beliefs different from secular understanding of God's creation not enter the public arena and attempt to foist their religious beliefs on others.

It's called respect. It is the anti-evolutionists attempt to foist their religious beliefs on others that I have a problem with.

309 posted on 04/23/2005 11:08:57 AM PDT by narby
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To: ohioWfan
Words mean things. Try to keep up.

And arguing in a discussion of Genesis and evolution that Darwin was racist, is a completly transparent attempt to say that "Evolution is incorrect, because Darwin was racist".

Do you really think you fool people that way?

310 posted on 04/23/2005 11:10:56 AM PDT by narby
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To: narby
It's called respect. It is the anti-evolutionists attempt to foist their religious beliefs on others that I have a problem with.

And evolutionists respect us?? Are you joking??

The ugliest place on earth to be in on a FR crevo thread and be the subject of abuse by evolutionists. Have you ever been called a cousin of bin Laden by a creationist, narby? Give me a break!

Don't talk to me about OUR need for respect.

You live in fantasyland, if you really believe the statement you just made.

311 posted on 04/23/2005 11:12:43 AM PDT by ohioWfan ("If My people, which are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray.....")
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To: ohioWfan
You only want conservatives to speak up about things you AGREE with. We need to shut up about things you don't agree with.

I'll try this again.

I want some conservatives who have a bug up their pants about evolution to understand that they are 1) waisting their time. 2) making conservatives look like idiots among people who are scientifically literate. 3) there are more important things to spend your political capital on, like saving children killed by abortion.

Got it?

312 posted on 04/23/2005 11:14:08 AM PDT by narby
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To: narby
LOL! You're a piece of work!

I think evolution is a crock, but it has nothing to do with the FACT that Darwin was racist.

I didn't relate the two together. You can pretend I did, because that's what your bias tells you to think that, but it's completely untrue.

I may be a stupid creationist, but I'm not a liar, and I said exactly what I meant.

313 posted on 04/23/2005 11:15:46 AM PDT by ohioWfan ("If My people, which are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray.....")
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To: narby
Yeah. I got it.

You want us creationists to shut up because you don't agree with us.

I got it.

314 posted on 04/23/2005 11:16:47 AM PDT by ohioWfan ("If My people, which are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray.....")
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To: ohioWfan
The ugliest place on earth to be in on a FR crevo thread and be the subject of abuse by evolutionists.

And anti-evolutionists have come outside their church and attempted to foist their particular religious dogma on others.

Keep your religious interpretations where they are welcome. And that's NOT in the public arena, outside your church.

315 posted on 04/23/2005 11:18:17 AM PDT by narby
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To: narby
OK. Out the window goes the First Amendment.

Keep talking.

316 posted on 04/23/2005 11:20:27 AM PDT by ohioWfan ("If My people, which are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray.....")
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To: ohioWfan
I didn't relate the two together. You can pretend I did, because that's what your bias tells you to think that, but it's completely untrue.

Just bringing up the subject that you believe that Darwin was racist is a clear and transparent effort to trash evolution by associating racism to it.

Making claims otherwise are not believable.

Sorry :-)

317 posted on 04/23/2005 11:20:44 AM PDT by narby
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To: narby
You are apparently incapable of complex thought.

Keep talking.

318 posted on 04/23/2005 11:21:25 AM PDT by ohioWfan ("If My people, which are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray.....")
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To: gobucks

I'm not, by any means, a young-earther. I'm not ruling it out, either. However, it seems to me that evolutionists have long ago made the assumption that creationism cannot be true. Therefore, anything that challenges this belief is automatically thrown out. I'm not going to get into a flamefest on this thread (I don't have the time or inclination), but it is quite telling when evolutionary arguments have an underlying ID bias - and the evolutionists either cannot see it or deny it.

319 posted on 04/23/2005 11:23:49 AM PDT by Frumious Bandersnatch
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To: ohioWfan
OK. Out the window goes the First Amendment.

Ok, now my disagreement on your priorities are labeled "censorship".

Talk about anything you want, anywhere you want. But count on conservatives that are scientifically literate to use their First Amendment rights to tell you how you're damaging us all. And count on us to distance ourselves from you.

This whole argument is all helping those aborted children, don't you know.

320 posted on 04/23/2005 11:23:51 AM PDT by narby
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