[[Sounds like we have a few people on this post that fell for that commie crap, hook, line and sinker.]]
There are alot of people in here that try to pose as conservatives. Most of them don't fool anybody though. Anybody that defends hanoi jane fonda or hanoi john kerry (I cant even bring myself to capitalize their names), is defending the indefensible and they know it, but if they didn't then they could not bait us and try to get us going :)
I've seen their posts also. It's obvious they want to hijack threads.
As for the two traitors...Never Forgive and Never Forget!
Check my home page, I spent three nights on the bridges in DC searching for explosives that VVAW had in town during Kerry's demonstation in 1971. We found a hoax bomb on Key Bridge. Right after that, at the same time they conspired to murder the Senators, a bomb was detonated in the US Capital building.
I also delt with the SDS, VVAW, Weather Underground, SLA, Bader-Mienhoff and other commie groups. Yes the war was over here also.
A good, true conservative wouldn't violate the law (commit assault) to protest a liberal, any liberal.