I remember my high school kids talking about shootings and fights at the mall. The mall kept it quiet to avoid the bad press. I would be surprised if the problem group was 16-17. It's probably the 18-21 group.
Something about a mall just turns people into iceholes.
I think you're right. I can hardly see kids under the age of 16 getting into gang violence at the mall.
DUnno - maybe at your mall. Around here, the folks 18-21 are out causing trouble at other places (other than the gang-banger on recruiting missions). The big trouble are 12-18 year old punks terrifying old folks, ripping off businesses, and generally being a pain.
My son (16) was arrested a couple of years ago for fighting at the local mall. The cops called me at home and told me come down to the station and pick him up. I told them they could keep him, they ended up delivering him to my door....