For Hannity to have re-entered the United States at an undesignated crossing point, he first would have had to actually leave the United States. I've been to that very same border fence and, in fact, the border fence is 3 feet on this side of the international border. So, there is 3 feet more of U.S. territory before you're actually in Mexico. I saw the broadcast and Hannity did not go 3 feet from the fence.
I've had it explained to me before. Hannity had Sheriff Larry Dever explain it to viewers Tuesday night. He also had it explained at length last night on Hannity & Colmes.
These people don't care about the millions of criminal invaders crossing that border but they'll certainly target a person who never crossed it in the first place. And purely for political reasons.
What a bunch of dopes. "Legal" observers, my ass.
Exactly what makes a person a "legal observer"?