[[One "Anonymous" poster writes: "Re: Is Free Republic Biased? Biased? Well, since the site is dominated by paid party operatives and federal employees who allow no dissent from the Bush regime's latest political propaganda releases, you could say that it's more a solid, one way amen corner for the neoconservative cabal than a biased website."]]
Paid partisan political operatives?? Is you crazy? Name 'em them if you are so sure? If I'm a paid partisan political operative then your mama is Helen Thomas.
No disent from the Bush politcal propagand agenda you say? Well, well, well, you will find hundreds in this forum that are pissed off at Bush because of his stance on illegal immigration and I'm sure that many (like me) would not vote for him again (if he could run a 3rd term) because of his postition on illegal immigration. We definitley agree with how he is fighting the war on terror (kicking Islamofascist raghead ass), but we don't agree with all of his positions. This forum is maily free thinkers who are intelligent enough to stand back and evaluate the issues on their merits. Are some biased in this forum? Sure they are but it's no different than any other online forum (take your pick). Nice try, but we ain't bitin'.
"neoconservative cabal"
Only a liberal would put those two words together. No wonder he didn't like it here, it's like Texas for an Eskimo, or the Arctic for a Southern Californian.