Yes, I was wrong and I'm sorry. But I don't think you're paying attention to Jefferson and Madison's comments about Virginia being the model. You're also ignoring the fact that these "Christian" colonies usually precluded Catholics, proving the injustice of their bylaws. Remember, there were states at this time that supported slavery, as well. That didn't make either established state religions or slavery a good idea.
You didn't argue it was or wasn't a good idea. You argued that it didn't exist in the state constutions,
Vermont's state Constitution says that "every sect or denomination of Christians ought to observe Sabbath or Lord's Day, and keep up some sort of religious worship, which, to them, will seem most agreeable to the revealed will of God." - LINK
Yes I know I'm giving you and your "ilk" more ideas about elements of Christianity that you can purge from our nation, but that's okay, because I'm not afraid of you.