I would think he better-since the whole thing has gotten this much publicity---
Besides, it is Hillary Clinton, not some relatively unknown liberal---Hillary, whose husband was doing the Monica as president---
I would think that this would be the last person the Catholics would want giving a graduation speech---gosh, she might even pass out campaign condoms, er, buttons!!!!
No, better yet, she and Patty Osama Murray are holding up the confirmation of the HHS chair because the "morning after pill" hasn't been okayed to be sold over the counter, so all the little tarts can kill a baby, JUST as it gets going.
Maybe she could pass out a goody bag with condoms, and morning after pills, pink t-shirts so the girls can be honorary members of CODE PINKO---and literature from Planned Parenthood---of course with Hillary pictures on all of these---
I wish you were right.But Egan is no John Cardinal O'Connor and Marymount knows that.