But, it even gets worse.
Homeland security funded a "patrol boat" to look for Bin Laden in our Narragansett Bay harbor to the tune of $68,000. But, now my town needs to man their second patrol craft, so the town has increased it's harbor patrol staff from 2 ( for the one vessel); to 8 - to be able to staff the two vessels 24/7, and to be sure that no nefarious speeders with dark beards exceed the 5 mile a hour speed limit.
And the town crows about their "free" new boat, yet I'm looking at the new $250k in salary and benefits per year!
"It's a sign that we're all a little nervous in the post-9/11 world." - Bill Toohey, Balitmore County Police
What is your complaint here? The price of the boat? Have you shopped for boats lately? If they bought a decent patrol boat for a mere $68K then they are shopping better than I can....