Scientists discover we have one fewer chromosome than the apes and then find a large section of one of our chromosomes that looks like it used to be a centromere.
The theory that fusion took place is a good one. It may not be correct, but there is evidence that it is.
It's hardly a ridiculous theory.
Here's an example of a ridiculous theory: the big sky-daddy is testing our faith by planting this genetic evidence.
mc6809e>> What?!?
It's hardly a ridiculous theory.
Here's an example of a ridiculous theory: the big sky-daddy is testing our faith by planting this genetic evidence.
This is a great example of why it is stupid for believers to interpret Genesis litterally. Evolution is supported by hard facts that can be examined and tested, while faith, by it's very definition, cannot.
When creationists attack evolution, they open themselves up to ridicule and derision. And when young believers enter college and are challeneged with the evidence of evolution that contradicts what they've been taught, some of them will abandon their faith entirely. Any believer who abandons their faith over this silly issue is a tragedy.
The only intellegent solution is for believers to accept that God is powerful enough to have created Evolution, and some, but not all, believers have misinterpreted Genesis to say otherwise.
Problem solved.