Maybe someone can clarify this for me, but what is the definition of illegal again?
On a related note, I know Bill Holmes (the author of the article). I'm glad to see him move up, especially to the AP. Bill is a Republican (or he was when he worked for the Winston-Salem Journal). He was one of the few reporters who treated me fairly while I was in office.
The measure would give in-state tuition to students who attended schools in North Carolina for at least four consecutive years before graduation. Young people in the country would have to apply for legal immigration status to receive the resident rate.
Hey, they're just getting the education Americans don't want...
-"Ultimately, it's about children."-
Of course *sigh*.
Justification: There are very few illegals going to college. It's a feel-good measure. Illegals pay a lot of money into state coffers without requiring stuff like tax refunds.
Can someone please explain to me how "illegal aliens" can be allowed to attend public colleges? What does the word "illegal" actually mean, if anything? Why do we continue to reward lawbreakers in this nation?
If it isn't one damn thing, it's another. I guess it makes perfectly good sense...if your a politician. These politicians never tire of seeking new ways to "screw over" American citizens. That'll sure solve the illegal problem. Why not take it a step further and charge in-state legal residents the out-of-state tuition rate as well.
I gotta confess, I'm really sick of these politicians who betray their trust and loyalty to this country in order to pander to the illegal crowd. What I now do when I receive these frequent solitations for $$$ from the RNC, the presidential re election campaign, the republican senatorial re-election committee, etc is to write "NOTHING UNTIL THE BORDERS ARE CLOSED" on the cover letter and mail it back. It's the only language these greedy politicains understand. I would recommend every citizen that wants to protect our country doing this.
They're quoting a legal alien about illegal immigration ? There's logic for ya!
This is insane.
Did anyone ask him how much this plan was going to raise tuition for legal, NC natives' children to attend school? And therefore NC taxes? Wouldn't students from another state be able to sue and demand the same treatment, which would also tend to raise tuition rates across the board? Seems to me they've got a good claim to being given the same tuition status as lawbreakers, what with our equal-protection laws and all.
If the NC Legislature jackasses manage to cram this burro hockey down our throats, it will be past time to flush that big commode in Raleigh and vote in some disenfectant to purify the place and rescend this idiot legislation, should it become law.
I though the Illegals were coming here only to take the jobs Americans didn't want?
It's suck-up to lawbreakers in Carolina.
I had to pay 7500 bucks to make my ex-wife legal even after 2 younguns.
un brinco.
Unfrickin believable - not even the sons and daughters of our service men/women get this benefit - but we are going to give it to illegals? Am I crazy or have the RINOs gone nuts?
Texas gives everything it can to illegal aliens in-state tuition, welfare, etc. We still have a HUGE drop out rate of high school students. The gimme programs in Texas have not solved any problems They have created more problems.
The first question to be asked of these sponsors is who is paying you?