The 'round-them-up-deport-them' crowd from all over the internet gathers at FR and can only muster less than 1500 votes. This is in a country with a population approaching 200 million.
The grass-roots movement to seal the border can only muster a few hundred participants. Out of 200 million.
There is no one in Congress that represents your views. There is no legislation in Congress that represents your views.
You are the wacko fringe.
The only Wacko Fringe in this debate are those that advocate open borders and unlimited immigration. Something that the vast majority of Americans soundly reject.
With illegal immigration and border control becoming hot button issues within the republican party (and don't tell me it's not) the CAL (Criminal Alien Lobby) has a rude awakening in store for it.
If the Open Borders RINO leadership of the Party can't find the right side of this issue, watch for some changes in 06. The current low approval ratings of both Bush and Congress show just how vulnerable the party is if it doesn't starting responding to the Will of the People instead of the Will of the Lobbyists soon.
And you and the rest of your pack are the put-America-last fringe. You know, the ones who care little for American sovereignty and label as bigoted racists those loyal Americans who believe in protected borders and the preservation of American culture, language and customs.
There isn't a single conservative to be found in your grimy little pack. One of your leaders, harrowup, is an admitted ACLU democrat. As for you and the rest, I am guessing that, at best, you are GOP Big Tent RINOs/liberals/moderates. At best...