thank God this single brain cell was not elected. Lib elitists.... think they're so smart and step in their own crap
Do not insult sKerry by saying he has only one brain cell. He has twice that number and they are too busy fighting for control. That's why he seems so incompetent.
Skerry is thinking. "Screw the American people. If they don't want me and I brilliant executive expertise, then I'll show them. I will endanger their safety. That way if something happens we can all blame it on Bushie and I'll be vindicated.
Plame it on Effin.
Yes. That is where we need to be sending our thanks. It was the entire weight of the MSM against the New Media....and we barely won. Look at how the MSM STILL buries the SwiftVets stories!
Meantime, consider that Senator Kerry never resigned his office with the State of Massachussetts. Must have been afraid that he might never be able to fool them again...