blakep: "Perhaps. Again I ask, could you imagine a world in which there was no negative emotion/expression?"
Elsie: "Consider, then, just for a moment, that YOU had the power to create what you consider to be a 'perfect' god (or GOD, your choice.) What would His (his, her, HER, it's) attributes be?"
You are both attempting to impose limitations on god by examining my limitations. And AndrewC is trying to do the same (in a long, drawn out, annoying way that he's not done with yet).
If I were an infinite God, I would (a) be able to imagine a world without negativity; (b) be able to create a world that I regarded as perfect; and (c) be able to give my children freedom without distress.
But I am not God, and you cannot prove that God exists by proving that I am not God.
Anti-Guv, your argument was based solely on 'why is there evil, or suffering', therefore I responded with a question based on your primary assertions.
People ask why there is evil in the world. I believe that we were made consious of our actions(unlike animals) as to elevate ourselves and further humankind, in order to recognize the faults of mankind.
Otherwise we would be ordinary animals that still roam through the forest.
We agree entirely. I wasn't trying to prove God, since I believe(know) that is not possible.