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To: newheart
I personally don't see the reason for such a strict 'firewall' between science and philosophy. In fact, I don't believe one is even remotely, logcically or practically possible

The firewall should exist in the classroom, because ID is NOT a scientific theory.

151 posted on 04/11/2005 12:42:24 PM PDT by PMCarey
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To: PMCarey

"The firewall should exist in the classroom, because ID is NOT a scientific theory."

Sorry, that really begs the question. I can look at any object on my desk and, based on any number of evidences, deduce that there was some sort of intelligent design that brought it into existence in the very form that I observe. Am I not allowed, in a fully rational way, to seek to understand and define the principles upon which I reach my conclusions. Am I not allowed then to hypothetically apply those principles to other things and create experiments to validate or disprove those principles. And if my experiments lead me to draw some theoretical conclusions about the wider world, why is that not scientific? After all, that is pretty much what scientists do every day.

272 posted on 04/11/2005 2:41:47 PM PDT by newheart (The Truth? You can't handle the Truth. But He can handle you.)
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