My goodness! As a strict conservative and constitutional constructionist, I don't see how gay/straight/bi is any business of the schools/government. As long as the kids aren't breaking any rules, who cares?
Don't get excited -remain calm and serene knowing that you are correct to oppose the homosexual indoctrination agenda.
That shows you are none of the above. Homosexuality is obscene by its definition and our nation has regulated such things since its founding. It is only within recent history that the sexually egocentric have successful duped so many into allowing the promotion of sexual deviance on public school property and other public venues. Sexual issues are intrinsically private in nature though in today's culture the lines have been increasly erased allowing the most moronic ideas and concepts to be championed in the name of self-esteem and tolerance. A true conservative would be minimalistic and require that schools do what they are chartered to do, educate our children and leave complex issues like sexuality to the children and their parents.