==If you don't have a problem with it then there is no irony -- unless all things good to you are ironic because bad things still exist.
Never mind...if your moral vision prevents you from perceiving the forest of misplaced priorities for the trees, no amount of information is going alter your preferred reality.
Or to put it in the words of CS Lewis:
"Now the trouble about trying to make yourself stupider than you really are is that you very often succeed."
Misplaced priorities?
I've not prioritized anything. Both the proper amount of man power on the border plus the requirement of proper identification -- a passport -- are needed. Yet you in your "judgement" think that there is a priority to it.
What's the point of having armed guards every two hundred feet on the thousands of miles of borders if you're not going to require adequate identification for the people the guards would encounter?
This is not an improper solution. This is half of what we need. This is traveling 10 miles on a 20 mile trip. This is progress. There is no down side to this solution. This is not an inappropriate solution. There is no irony to it.
If it takes you two steps to get to the bathroom in the morning, you "TapTheSource" would never take the first step because you would think it ironic.
That's your logic. You are a dunce.