My 13 year old daughter refused to have the hepatitis vaccine on religious and moral grounds.
I told her that while hepatits is mostly a junkie disease a virgin could acquire HPV on her wedding night from a husband who had had one previous sexual encounter.
But if the state schools come up with an HPV immunization requirement to prevent their little darlings from infection on the premises that will be going too far.
Do not think that Hepatitis B can only be contracted by sexual activity or intravenous drug abuse/needle stick alone. The Hepatitis B virus can be contracted by any exposure to bodily fluids. Hepatitis B is extremely common in Southeast Asia. And especially common in Americans of Southeast Asian Americans. Many very young children within these households are tested positive for Hepatitis B exposure without ever having any history of sexual exposure or intra-utero exposure during birth. While cervical cancer is entirely a sexually transimitted disease due to HPV, it is not as common as Hepatitis B and not so easily transmitted as Hep. B.