Who engages in knee jerk anti Muslim hysteria? Is that your question. It is pandemic around here. I have been tempted myself on occasion, but I pat myself on the back for resisting it. It is wrong. I disagree with most of the deceased Pope's foreign policy views, but on this matter, he was right.
I know a few hundred million devout Muslims that would like to pat you on the back of your neck with a sword because the Koran commands them to behead you as a non-muslim.
It is not a knee-jerk reaction when you can read it for yourself in black and white. It is simply self-preservation. However to face a hungry lion and try to pet it saying nice kitty is certainly a knee-jerk liberal reaction, as well as patting one self on the back for their superior understanding of lions.
Unfortunately I have discovered that all that nice moral superiority vanishes when you actually meet the lion face to face. It is hard to pat oneself on the back with a bloody stump.
"Who engages in knee jerk anti Muslim hysteria? It is pandemic around here."
You can say That again.
People complain about muslims not voicing their disdain for muslim extremists/fanatics/terrorists, yet Every article I've read that was written by or about a muslim speaking out against them, is met with negativity.
It makes no sense.
Anyone who truly wants moderate muslims to speak out and condemn radical muslims, should be supporting the moderates when they do. Otherwise, stop complaining when they don't.