Good statement. History is churning right now as much as at any time. It has not come to an end, nor will it. We are off into new territory and haven't yet glimpsed the new horizon. Hopefully we can keep our individuality and keep our nationality even while this new superstructure takes shape.
Our country is unique with it's background firmly grounded in the self-less religion of Christianity.
Jesus said that the greatest commandments were to love God with all your heart and to love others. If you study the Bible like our founders'll come to the same conclusion that they did:
True liberty comes from the Freedom to obey God. Christ's teaching puts the emphasis on others...not yourself.
I believe that the invasion of the middle east by W will change the world for the next 200 years. Marxism may seem like it's on the rise, but it's selfish teachings have always been around. Monarchies, oligarchies, etc...they are all relativists. I'm not sure we are in new terroritory, but we may be at our peak of republicanism where God's teachings are not honored or feared. We may think we are "Supermen", but we are not.