To: Fiat volvntas tva
"Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son."
Teddy Kennedy is the personification of Dean Wormer's darkest nightmare.
47 posted on
04/06/2005 11:39:15 AM PDT by
(Honoring Saint Jude's assistance every day.)
To: FormerACLUmember
But teddy is fat, drunk, stupid, and RICH, which pardons a multitude of sins, especially in his case.
To: FormerACLUmember
Teddy Kennedy is the personification of Dean Wormer's darkest nightmare.Oh, but where is your compassion, Teddy is simply a victim of society. It's not his fault that he's a depraved soul void of conscience, it's the fault of faulty genes and the Hegelian dialectic.(tongue planted firmly in cheek)
72 posted on
04/06/2005 12:25:40 PM PDT by
Fiat volvntas tva
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