Not just the geographical/linguistic differences loosening the bonds, but also a temporal shift. Post Vatican II i have seen about 2-3 changes, albeit minor, in the Liturgy, and a LOT of changes in the music. It went from the reverent Mass In Honor of Pope Paul VI to the Guitarzan mass (barf alert on the latter). The Tridentine mass was intended to be the same not only no matter where you go, but no matter WHEN you are. It was offically promulgated in the 1500s, but had been in practice since the early Church. In almost 1700 years there were NO siginificant changes where one would see a substantial difference in the Mass. Come along 1962 and John XXIII et voila, lots of liturgical experimentation, etc etc etc.
Take a man from 1962 forward only a few decades later and he'd wonder if he had stepped into a Methodist service.
That's how much things have changed.
A nice start on liturgical renewal would be outlawing OCP and Gather hymnals from all U.S. Catholic churches immediately.