Nothiing you or anyone says at Free Republic means anything to any person. There are very few "defenseless people being killed," not that anything said at this website would make a difference.
Normally I don't feed trolls but do you really believe this? An elderly woman in GA was starved at the order of her grandaughter for about 6 days even though her living will stated she wanted food and hydration. The granddaughter went against her living will.
There is also a woman in Chicago who was being done the same way by a son in law in the past month. Those threads are here on FR.
There is also a thread on FR that suggests people die younger to save the country on medicare costs.
This link has graphic photos post mortem of a deceased elderly man who was starved and dehydrated against his wishes as well as docs pertinent to the situation.
If you're man/woman enough to take a dose of truth, read Wesley Smith's Forced Exit. It is happening in America on a widespread basis. Surely you know the media is not going to expose what is probably the fruits of George Soros' funding of Project on Death in America.