there we go, basicly the same conclusion I came to. I'm no dummie, I can read scans and x rays, and see for myself without any comment that the poor kid just didn't have any hope. There is no doubt that she is completely braindead, and the eeg is flat ( not ekg) But it's not even a big point to argue, because her cerebal cortex is missing. Conpletely.
I don't agree that they should have did this the way they did.
They could have waited till emotions cooled, even done a few more tests just to satisfy the Schindlers, help them come to see the facts. Cooler heads could have prevailed.
So, you believe living people should be euthanized. Terri Schindler was not clinically dead. That was and remains the problem.
Would that it were so. Unfortunately, the 'passion' you see displayed here day after day after day shows me that the another 15 years of 'tests' and 'therapy' wouldn't have convinced the assembled multitude here -- or the Schindlers. This was about defending a priori presuppositions, not -- unfortunately -- about Terri. That's why there is so much anger.
As it seeps out, they are really unhappy here that 20% of the American population has living wills -- and thanks to their handling of Terri, millions more each day -- and want the very same life-ending that Terri ultimately had if they ever find themselves in Terri's condition.