Quote: "NewsMin really obfuscates the "murder" question. If you look at the original FOX News story instead of the NewsMin reinterpretation, 29% of individuals polled considered removal murder, versus 54% calling it an "act of mercy"."
As I said above, that is the funny thing about polls, the accompanying stories seem to push toward one direction or another. All Newsmax did was take the poll and lead with a different trend than Fox did.
That's all NewsMax does with 75% of their stories. They take a mainstream article and carve out the parts that make conservatives look good, and retitle the story. As a result a lot of context is lost. I think most people are intelligent enough to read mainstream articles and cancel out the liberal bias in their own minds. In this particular instance, the FOX story gives a lot more information, by clearly posting the results for each question. NewsMax (or Min as i call it) just strips out certain numbers.