I hope Jeb does not let this go. He of all people know's Terris death is a murder! He really needs to do something. Put some pressue on the AG or something! I just can't believe that this is going to go away. I really hope it doesn't! We need to maybe get a petition signed to ask the AG for an investigation and get it passed around to everyone we know! I don't know, but I think there are many things we can do and many routes we can go. It is just going to take a lot and many people. I just think that there needs to be one organization for Terris fight that can be formed and we all get involved in it together.
This is a great idea. I wonder if those who know how to get these petitions started could get one of these on petitionsonline.
I will be gone now most of the weekend.I WILL return though, and this is the ROOM you will find me. Working to right a wrong. Polly