Bush (hell, BOTH Bushes) is/are more of the same all-Yale-all-the-time East Coast elite. He tossed us just enough in the way of bread and circuses, knowing we were so starved for anything even remotely resembling conservative leadership after 8 years in Clinton hell to get himself re-elected. Now we will see the true heart of this phony Christian Republican revealed. Essentially erase the boarder. Vilify true patriots for daring to stand up to the criminally negligent government. Pull his forelock inf ront of a tyrannical judiciary and expect us to do the same. Am I the only one worried by how much time old man Bush and the impeached former occupant of the oral office are seen together? Does Hillary have something on the Shrubs? 700 plus files (some say as many as 900) were in Billary's possession and I guarantee they have heard of Xerox machines. Has a deal been cut between the Shrubs/Toon's? Is all hell going to break loose if Bruno doesn't receive the Presidency as is her due? Stay tuned. Something IS going on here, people. We're being lied to on all sides and being driven.
Vilify true patriots for daring to stand up to the criminally negligent government
Remember, he called them "vigilantes". They're PATRIOTS defending OUR borders, Mr. President!