Father God,
We celebrated yesterday as a nation, and the world, Your victory over death and satan. Your resurrection to newness of life. Thank you Father for taking Calvary's torture and pain for me. For all of us.We are comforted with the fact that You are in control, and that the " steps of a rightous man are ORDERED BY THE LORD". We stand amazed this morning that Terri is still holding onto her life. Thank you for answering our hearts cries and sustaining her yet another day. Her life is in YOUR HANDS. We ask, if it be in YOUR WILL, that this day, some one will be able to rescue Terri from this grip. That truth will be known, and this wrong will be righted. We also ask you Lord Jesus that you will infuse us with Your strength and determination to fight the good fight. " Guide us Oh thou Great Jehovah, Pilgrim thru this barren land" We ask you to pilgrim dear Terri at this very moment. We Bless your name, We Bless your name, we GIVE you all the GLORY.
AMEN and AMEN!!!!!