The hospital said the family were ok. It took us awhile to find out. We went to the hospital to see if they needed a hotel room or dinner for their children since they are from another state. The nurse actually went back and asked them for us and told them we were there. The nurse said they couldn't give out any information on their condition. We have a friend that works at the hospital. The only thing she could tell us was that they were all ok. Thank the Lord!
My husband is fine. He was just really shook up because the engine was smoking and hissing in the other car and he was pulling kids out in a panic. He put on a brave face and did all he could and then came home and broke down in tears. It was hard for me to leave.
Could you give me an update on Terri? Is she still holding on? What are they doing about the appeal?
I was praying for the family SVB. Glad to hear they're OK. Your poor husband, bless him.
No reprieve for Terri from courts or legislature. Pretty much the end of the road as far as the govt. is concerned.
Unless we have a miracle from God that only HE knows about, Terri will leave us here soon. Clear to the top of the Judical they have given her the " you must die" orders!! Execute her!!.....the father said her condition is weak but that she was still alert. Strange, eh for a vegatative woman. She is probably at this moment trying to muster up ALL the strength she has to SCREAM the TRUTH....maybe that will be the final miracle!!