I know little about him. To me he's just another person with a pie hole that opens and stuff just spews out. Like most of the MSM.
Lord Jesus, put Your hand on Terri's eyes, liver, and bladder, all of her vital organs. Her heart. Lord Jesus sustain as You did Daniel in the Lions den. Sustain as you did Shadrack , Meshak and Abendigo in the firey furnace, where they came out unharmed. OH GOD we ASK THAT OF TERRI, and we do so because of YOU. YOUR NAME is being tarnished. YOUR reputation against evil is being slammed. FATHER GOD you will NOT BE MOCKED. WE come to you on behalf of Terri's vital organs this very moment. As she is resting in that bed, speak PEACE to her. Give her HOPE. LET HER KNOW THAT HELP is COMING and ON THE WAY.