Ouch! What brought that on?
ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that absent a stay from the appellate courts, the guardian, Michael Schiavo, shall cause the removal of nutrition and hydration, from the Ward, THERESA SCHIAVO, at 1:00 p.m. on Friday, March 18, 2005.
Excessive emotionalism, with a dash of irrationality and a smidgen of self-righteous hysteria.
Ouch! What brought that on?
...The truth, and nothing but the truth.
These two brothers, as are most of those in the congress/senate, part of the corrupt two-party cartel that currently rules our nation. The globalist elite. The little people are of no consequence, don't you know that?
...These people look at themselves as a contemporary monarchy.
Please excuse me for the rant. It's time I go and join my brothers, the American "vigilantes" (as El Presidente' Bush calls them) down on the border to try and help protect life and property because my rulers have no interest in doing so. ...Please don't tell the king.
King George GREER!! Greer is now mightier than our Cogress and President...he is now KING of America.