However, there are limits as to what can be regurgitated out as "facts." For instance, does anyone really want a geography prof on ANY U.S. campus espousing "flat earth" theories?
Is there really room for any pre-Newtonian/pre-Galileo view of the earth as the center of the universe? Of course not, because these are ideas demonstrably proven to be false.
On those grounds, Churchill should be given the heave-ho: he is esposing as fact views demonstrably proven to be looney.
Indeed, I anger my colleagues by arguing that Marxism should NEVER be taught on exactly such grounds---that it is as wrong as "flat earth," and that teaching it is a lie.
The price of living in a FRee society is always needing to be ready to confront evil and those who spread it thru vile acts and words in cahoots with a witting, and some might say, unwitting media and amidst masses of "high"er educated easily influenced folks.
Academia is fine, but be responsible. I agree.
Proof that Marxism is such a dreadful failure:
Note the total number of deaths under Stalin and Mao.
Suspect the numbers are much higher.