I know that Terri's murder has great spiritual significance, more than I can understand. If you think about it, we should feel very sorry for the monsters who did this to our innocent little Sister. They are so proud and sure of themselves, even boastful. The Schindler's on the other hand have remained faithful and shown the world what Christians are made of. What a spiritual battle! And the Schindler's have won that battle, hands down! What an example!
Terri, of course, is PERFECT. What a trooper! God bless her. I am very jealous of her; she is about to leap into the Loving Arms of our Savior. Out of this dreary world and into the Celestial Kingdom.
If saying stuff like this makes me a kook, so be it. I'm a kook for Jesus Christ.
Echos of Jonestown and the Heaven's Gate cults. They couldn't wait, either.