"But, I continue to hope that citizens will wake up and remember that "the system" is ultimately our own creation"
Then some peopl ein this country also need to realize that this system of our own creation is also NOT the system our Founding Fathers created.
You'll get no argument from me on this point.
But, if you want to change the current system, use your powers of speech and vote. We each much research, prepare and boldly participate in the arena of ideas.
The libs are sitting this one out not because they haven't a "dog in the fight"; but because they know we will turn on our own and let emotions diminish our resolve and fracture our unity.
Remember, Libs are cold and calculating. They do not permit their emotions to cloud the path to their goals. -- We should learn this lesson.
So, I repeat: The system is ultimately our creation.
We must stay engaged in this fight with mind, heart and soul---and save our emotional release for the celebration of a new morning in America.