All this blame of the Bushes' inept reactions to Peggy Noonan's ignorant article is off target.
This was a court matter from the beginning. The anger needs to be directed there. The Supreme Court is the problem. We need to impeach them. They are full of libruls like Scalia. Scalia = libural = murderer = killer = "living" will suicide pact supporter = Hitler = Stalin = guy who keyed my car = Pilate. Two minute clip of four hours of video all that need to prove Terri speaks. Plus her mother's lawyer said so to. A LAWYER. Why would she lie?
It's hard to sort through what's true anymore; IMO, the two nurses did nothing to help this case with their wild accusations; one of them even said she was able to move from the bed to use the bedpan!
Your post was the stuff of a drunken fool.
The Supreme Court is the problem. We need to impeach them
Yes, and
makes such a nice-sounding rallying cry when she is dead.