Frankly if this is denied, then I would hope that someone would enter a motion for impeachement against a federal judge, all but two of the 11th circuit court judges and those members of the SC who turned down the appeal - all of them if we cannot figure it out.
If the likely result is that there is a majority to impeach the more conservative SC judges, well, they should have seen it coming. Conservatives who have no regard for the sanctity of life, the rule of law, and the coequal powers of the Congress and the President are not conservatives.
This is not about telling the courts what to find - it is mearly about telling them that they must hold a trial.
I just woke up everyone and can't believe Jeb and DCFS did not intervene in the middle of the night! So i guess we wait for USSC and Judge Greer today and that is it. I think it will be over today hopefully and Terri can get to a hospital to get help.
I also hope that once this is over Justice will be done to all that tried to kill Terri Schiavo. I hope it is proven that she is not PVS and than we can see people like Alan Colmes admit he is wrong and agree that what happend to Terri was wrong. I want to see Greer possibly have charges brought against him. I want to see HINO go to jail for attempted murder and live life in a jail!
God we pray for a miracle from YOU and pray for Justice for those who want to do harm to Terri!