You're probably more qualified to make these decisions than the vast majorities of our robed Oracles in their Temples of Delphi. I love your faith!!
I have to be honest, my Faith is very weak at the moment. I'm struggling. Not for a moment do I regret a single instance of the fight for terri nor will that fight cease whether a miracle is granted or the opposite.
I'm struggling to come to terms with the Death Culture we've embraced. Including my own role in it.
People keep tossing about the name of Pontius Pilate. Well, where is mention made of why Christ Died? Blame wasn't anymore or any less on Pilate's head than it was on every one of ours.
Similiarly, we created this death cult and allowed the escalation of Judicial tyranny, and the end result is that Terri may well die. It's not pleasant to accept our own role in this, but we have to if we wish to prevent something like this from happening again. Washing OUR hands and passing blame on to select others just doesn't wash with me.