The problem is, has been and will remain, there is a finding of fact by a state court that this woman does not want to be saved through extra ordinary measures, in essence she has asked for her own death.
Everything that can be done to overturn that ruling has been done, save for Anthony Kennedy telling the Schindlers to go pound sand.
Any action taken by the executive at this point, is theoretically taking action against Terri Schiavo's wishes and contrary to the applicable law.
I have been an advocate for saving this woman's life and perserving the rule of law at the same time. Unfortunately, those two ideas have now become mutually exclusive.
If Jeb wants to act, he has my support. But if he doesn't he shouldn't be castigated by our side either.
If our government cannot save Terri from this murder, its very legitimacy will be in question. Read the Declaration of Independence if you think that's a stretch.