yes, that's an excerpt from the lawsuit when he was trying to get money for Terri's alleged miscare by doctors, who were later cleared, from what I understand. It is from the jury trial that he received over $1 million.
This is BS...If this information was provided to Greer and he disregarded it, there should be serious problems for him. It cuts to the heart of the matter...If it wasn't presented to Greer...dare I say...maybe Shindler's attorney's were less than thorough. I used to investigate financial crime and the first lesson is FOLLOW THE MONEY.
Those Doctors got quite simply, screwed!! Can you imagine what this Judgment did to their Insurance premiums? Terri's bone scan shows a much clearer diagnosis of attempted strangulation (per Michael Baden) and add on to that the MULTIPLE other fractures all over her body that were in varying degrees of healing!! HOW this was NEVER investigated for what it clearly is on it's face, is ANOTHER confirmation of the Agenda and Corruption and Collusion here. It's a travesty and a disgrace. My heart literally bleeds for this girl and her family. As a mother of a daughter and son, and now a grandmother of two beautiful boys (from my daughter), I can't imagine the pain in these parents hearts. They have had to WATCH their daughter called a vegetable, be tortured and now for the third time, attempted to be starved and dehydrated to death. Michael S. & colluders are simply DETERMINED to complete this botched murder. They appear to have a lot of help from a runaway, rogue Judicary.