Thanks for the ping, Jeff. Yes, it's a tragedy, but I'm going to have to disagree with you and probably most others here.
I don't think the Congress had any business getting involved here. If there is/was an attempt on the part to murder her, that is a state matter, and should be investigated and prosecuted as such. In the event of an egregious failure here, there are existing federal laws dealing with "deprivation of civil Rights" and "consirpacy to do so".
Of course, 'the powers that be' don't want to use these laws since it would open a real can of worms.
I think the Congress having a special session to resolve this was nothing more than grandstanding. When is Congress going to do something about REAL abuses of private citizens. Waco? Ruby Ridge? How about all the Americans who have ever been arrested for victimless gun crimes? And so on.
Speaking of "grandstanding", when is she going to testify before that congressional committee where she got subpeanoed?
Funny how our "pro life" leaders will jump through all kinds of hoops to save a woman who will be stuck in bed with a feeding tube for the rest of her life, but do NOTHING for thousands (probably more) of Americans who are rotting in jail at the hands of overzeleous prosecutors and judges (again, remember what happened to the folks that survived Waco?)
I could be totally wrong here, since I haven't followed this thing as closely as most here, but I really don't see the difference between this case and someone kept alive on a respirator or life support with no hope of recovery. What is the difference?
In essence they drected that the case be moved to Federal venue...they changed the venue in the hopes that all the evidence could be heard and not just what Greer has allowed or disallowed. His proceedings, IMHO, are prejudiced and slanted and he should have recused himself long ago.
I agree that other laws on the books could have and should have been used...right now, based on the protective services investigation and Greer's blocking of it, the governor could and should act in a heart beat to take the woman into protective custody pending the outcome of that investigation. He would be within his rights to do so and would shift the firestorm away from Terri, a defenseless woman at the mercy of animals who are killing her, and onto himself, where he can wage it in open court at a much higher level with a much greater chance of success.
I am praying that some such chapmion will be inspired by God to do this type of thing.