There has been much said about what the Republican party has to lose if Terri loses her life.
Yes, we are a nation of laws, but a nation of laws written by people. Unless we have the humility to question the end application of those laws and question the possibility that the labrynth of laws which can excute an innocent person may be, in isolation logical, but in sum, an illogical conclusion, those laws will never sit well with the law etched on the hearts of those led by eternal truths. We can never allow the laws of men, no matter how well written, to usurpe Gods laws. For those whose god is mans law, this may be all that they can turn to, but for those that see mans law as an imperfect reflection of Gods natural law (and always questioning our ability to interpret it with humility) we must not allow this to continue.
I hope key Republican leaders are hearing this loud and clear...I have been a loyal Republican for one reason and one reason overturn Roe v Wade, stop the flood of death by reason, bring freedom to a world in tyranny, and bring back God to our nation. I will not vote Republican again if we can't with 7 of the last 9 Presidents, a Republican majority for years in Congress, and the countless judical appointees change our laws back to a nation of humility and right to life. If we can't save one human being from starvation and dehyration then this party is impotent and it is time for change.