This miscarriage of justice started with three things: A state law that allows food and water to be considered extraordinary care that can be refused, a state law that allowa hearsay to take the place of a written living will, and a husband who was willing to use both pieces of law.
Once Judge Greer ruled that under Florida law, Terri Schiavo wanted to die if she became incapacitated, her death warrrant was sealed.
Perfectly legal, if injust. Very similar to some Nazi legislation that allowed mercy killing of the mentally ill and handicapped.
What the courts have done was to re-emphasize that what the courts did was LEGAL. Not right, nor just, nor fair.
There is true justice, and there is the legal system. Often the legal system is only an approximation of justice.
This is one of those cases.
It breaks my heart.
That's why you have equitable remedies for these silly cases that don' fit the box. Like how can we stop a defenseless woman from being tslowly tortured to death?
Well. well, we the learned judges only have to say we won't have it.
But they don't say that because they want that result.
Murderous ghouls