Terrible news.
Indeed, this is awful news.
But hardly unexpected.
That leaves the Florida Legislature; or Governor Bush acting in accordance with his oath of office to uphold the Florida constitution, particularly Section Two.
Barring that, we need a sovereign act of God.
Frankly, at this point, even this eternal optimist is starting to believe the latter is the only hope Terri and her family have left.
This Is How It Starts
The scene is wrapped in a spiritual fog
With snarling german shepherd dogs
Barricades and armed guards
For any who dare to think
Of entering that yard
Inside, a helpless woman
To them, a 'useless eater'
Not worth a drop of water
They won't even feed her
Nazi Germany
In nineteen-thirty-eight?
Pinellas Park
'Woodside' isn't a merciful 'Hospice'
God help us all
It's more like a well-landscaped Auchwitz